Wednesday, November 16, 2011


      There are a lot of myths out there about pets... old sayings and anecdotes that have been said so many times that a lot of people accept them as fact! This is especially true for one of the most common of furry friends; felines, who have an abundance of lore and mythology surrounding them.
     The saddest part of common misinformation is that some people may make the decision whether or not to keep a pet based off of untrue 'common' knowledge... like the myths about a cat being dangerous for an expectant mother to own. There is no danger as long as litter box clean up is avoided and things are kept sanitary due to the slight possibility of toxoplasmosis. All it takes in most situations is a little bit of effort and knowledge and you can keep your pet with you through thick and thin!
     Speaking of myths about cats... there's the 'unlucky' black cat. These guys have a poor reputation just because of their dark fur and people are still superstitious over age-old myths; sadly, black cats have the lowest adoption rate and highest euthanasia rate to this day. Other than the superstitious fiction surrounding them, adopting out black cats is difficult because they are not easy to photograph and people coming into the shelter have a harder time seeing them in the dark cages and therefore don't 'connect' with them as well as a brighter cat that they can see. Keeping in mind that black cats are just as fun, personable, and loving as any other cat (and they're easier to find if they run out into the snow!) take the time to check out the special 'Black Friday' adoption promotion at the Seattle Humane Society... they are waving adoption fees for black cats and kittens; especially kind of them considering that we just got out of October which is the worst month for black felines looking for a home!

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